
Checking In 6/18/2007 (2205)

June 19, 2007

I should be snoozing at the moment as it will soon be time to go in and make prop shafts for General Motors all night.  Yet sleep was not forthcoming and so while reading, this passage is on my mind.

Psalm 142:4-5  “I looked on my right hand and beheld, but there was no man that would know me: refuge failed me; no man cared for my soul.  I cried unto thee O LORD: I said, Thou art my refuge and my portion in the land of the living.”

This is the first of two things which were preventing sleep.  This need to understand that the Lord Jesus is ever with us and that when all who are around us seem to be in the contrary, he is faithful and true.  A friend that truly does stick closer than a brother.  I know how basic this sounds, yet remembering it is a must.  Lest we be overwhelmed by those things taking place in the physical realm, it’s imperative to be able to “be still and know that he is God.”  To know that he will be exalted among the heathen and that every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord.  To not allow anything to take our eyes off the Lord.  I know that this is nothing new, yet a reminding of such things is always needful. 

The other thing impressed upon me as I tried to sleep but couldn’t is the need to seriously seek the Lord Jesus with a fervency like never before.  To rid myself of as much “static” as possible and seek his face continually.  Laying our “all” on the altar and not harboring plans or imaginations which will only compromise our atunement.  To truly seek the Lord Jesus and be ready to move into the direction that he would have us go.  For me this means a more diligent casting down of an overactive imagination which, when allowed to wander, will almost always take on a life of its own. 

Well, I need to get around and prepare for a night of mundaneous activity.  One thing that’s so incredible, however, is that even while stuck on a balancer with noise all around, prayer for the saints can be engaged in along with a continual meditating upon the Lord.  To continually have our hearts in heavenly places regardless of the ambience.  Tomorrow I’ll try to catch up on commenting after a run to Kalamazoo.  Until then, I wish all a blessed evening in Christ.


  1. timbob, I am simply checking in to see if you got my email answer to you about your dropping by.

    Be Ever Blessed in the Lord Jesus Christ!

  2. Tim, Jesus truly is a friend that sticks closer than a brother and you are never alone though I know you hunger for fellowship. Yes, we need to seek Him as never before and be attuned to His voice!
    May your heart, mind and spirit be continually kept in heavenly places!

    Blessings to you always in Jesus,


  3. Thank you for this post. I need to be reminded that Jesus is always there for me and that through his help I can cast down imaginations. May you have a blessed week.


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