Archive for the ‘Tribulation Saints’ Category


Lamentations and Waterfalls

August 29, 2015

The myriad of eschatological scenarios that are afloat today can be confusing to even the most diligent of inquirers.  We observe the current flow of events, prayerfully inquire as to how these events will play through, search the scriptures which seem to identify the events, and cautiously consider the observations of other like minded saints. We strive to maintain an eternal perspective in this temporal setting.  And yet we can easily become overwhelmed if we are not walking close to Jesus.  While prophetically significant events are unfolding at an ever-accelerating pace, the enemy is attacking from ever facet of life. He launches direct attacks from the spiritual realm, fosters dark policies which are carried out by his agents, and utilizes the people in our ambiance who either know not the Lord Jesus, or are not close to him, to keep to us continuously distracted until his dark champion (antichrist) is in power.  Most of our contemporaries are completely unaware of the catastrophic changes that are upon us, or of the beast system that is ready to take them in; once the old system has been dissolved.

Luke 21:35 “For as a snare shall it come upon all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.

Adding to the complexity is the number of false alarms that have come and gone throughout the years.  Times which seemed like the end of the world from the perspective of those who were partakers of the event, but later proved to be simply mile-markers; causing many to disregard the authentic warnings of apocalyptic times found in scripture.  Sometimes a particular transpiration will seem like a dead-on “this is that which was spoken of in these passages” only to later on watch the event play out in a manner that disproves the announcement.  In recent years, many of us have, on a number of occasions, believed that “the proverbial bottom will certainly fall out in two weeks…..or this fall…..or this year…..or for certain next year…..because this present flow of events is simply unsustainable-even from a purely physical analysis.”  But then, when the time period in question concludes and everyone is still standing, we realize that our “ironclad conclusions” which seemed to be verifiable with scripture, were inaccurate.  This not only bolsters the erroneous sense of security enjoyed by those who know not Jesus, it causes many saints to “go back to their churchianity” and disregard the wild claims of “that doomsday crowd.” 

II Thessalonians 2:3 “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except their come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.”

II Peter 3:3-4 “Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,
4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue a they were from the beginning of creation.”

Verses 5 and 6 go on to tell how they willingly are ignorant of past apocalyptic events, such as the flood of Noah’s day, or the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, because they tell of a lengthy season of continuance which was dissolved in an instant. The initial drops of rain in Noah’s time, proved that the world was suddenly a very different place……even before the lower elevations began disappearing beneath the waves.

They weary of watching, of anticipating, of working themselves into a frenzy; (which is contrary to the fruit of the Spirit) then seeing the threat appear to dissolve and the upholders of the status quo appearing to be right once again…..that the doomsday predictions were all hype and no substance. This may be one of the reasons that most of the churches today completely avoid prophetic discussions.  As for those which do enter into such considerations, it us usually in the form of a very surface level study, or series of studies, in which assurances of a pre-tribulation rapture are meticulously sprinkled throughout the troubling content.  Here is the danger of this approach.  Jesus described the time before his return as being one of “great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of this world to this time” which means that it will surpass all of the worlds previous seasons of sorrow.  To not be spiritually prepared for this can be an eternal death sentence.

During the overnight hours of August 25, 2015, I listened to the most recent teaching from Scott Johnson, (Contending for Truth) wherein he expounded on….just a handful of the events that are unfolding……but the potential for catastrophe, contained in that handful, was so overwhelming that it can make one physically ill…..even if they are spiritually minded.  The level of evil in the world today; the atrocities being carried out by ISIS, the atrocities that Planned Parenthood is engaging in for profit, the current economic upheaval, the posturing of key players in the geo-political arena  in a manner that seems headed toward war, the potential for massive loss of life, the knowledge that evil people in positions of authority are actively pursuing a depopulation agenda, the ranks of those who have entered this country for the purpose of destroying it from within, the legalizing of that which God calls an abomination, the excessive number of professing Christians who are discarding biblical truth in exchange for error, the perverting of everything that is pure, and what have you, is enough to nearly “wear out the saints” that are awake……and we are not in the time of tribulation yet.  

The proverbial question is often asked by those who are awake, but beginning to become overwhelmed by the speed at which things are spiraling. “What do we do?”  It’s a question to which everyone who is born of the Spirit has answer, however, we (or at least I) need to be reminded from time to time. Even the newest saint, such as a guy who was without Christ and wicked as they come two days ago, but believed on Jesus and became a new creature yesterday, has the potential to overcome, because we do not overcome in our own strength or ability, but by abiding close to Jesus and ensuring that the entirety of our affection is on things above.  The coming events are so horrific, that, if Jesus is not our first love and we are not completely looking to him…..if we have not, from our heart, completely abandoned our lives in this world, we will fail in the critical moment.  Many will panic when everything familiar has dissolved, and will place their trust in a lie.  There is a teaching that is gaining in popularity, which states that a person can receive the mark of the beast, and later be saved.  THIS IS A LIE and sadly, MANY PROFESSING CHRISTIANS WILL SUCCUMB TO THIS MANNER OF REASONING.  When the food is gone, the children are hungry, and everything they had known is vanished, many who were once solid in the faith, will seek to save their lives in this world.  They will justify taking a mark, using teachings such as the “A person can take the mark and still be saved” doctrine.  

Here is a Youtube presentation featuring John MacArthur making this assertion. Even more troubling is that the two hosts (it features a portion of a talk radio broadcast) are in agreement with John MacArthur, as is revealed after the three minute mark.

John MacArthur (and broadcasters) believe that one can take the mark of the beast and still be saved

Overcoming; not by falling for an erroneous doctrine; not placing confidence in our abilities, our knowledge, or those who are close to us, but by placing our entire confidence and affection upon the Lord Jesus.  “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.”  The following items will sound simple, elementary, and even redundant, however, they embody the means by which we will stand in the evil days that are fast approaching.  

1 – MINIMIZE THE STATIC.  The atmosphere is supercharged with winds of doctrine, rumors, opinions, contentions, reportings with no means of verifying, clever deceptions, distractions, and everything that one can contrive, to drag into the arena of ideologies.  We need time to get away – shut down the computer, leave the phone behind, get into a quiet place with our bible, and seek God.  Many of us cannot go ten minutes without either checking our phone, or putting on the headphones, and filling our mind with the productions of our equals. We need time to get away (a deep woods or an isolated beach is nice if such a place is nearby, but a small closet works just as well) and just be with the Lord Jesus.  Fall in love with our Savior, over and over; remembering that we were headed for an eternity of torment, but that he redeemed us with his own innocent blood.  our love for Jesus must be so intense that all of the worlds trophies fade from view.

2 – EXAMINATION ROOM. Taking a spiritual inventory of our present state and asking the Holy Spirit to reveal any areas of weakness, compromise, error, or potential for shipwreck.  This is never pleasant, but it’s necessary if we are to resolve the things in our life that need to be resolved.  When the bottom falls out, and our children are saying “oh please; just take that mark so that we can eat”…..that is the wrong time to discover that our affections are still anchored to the temporal.  Asking the Lord to examine us will not only bring to the forefront areas where we know (when being honest with ourselves) we need to grow, it may also reveal weaknesses in areas where we thought to ourselves “I’m solid in this thing.”  It’s humbling, it causes lamentation, it makes us feel as though our sins stretch beyond the stars…….but is is necessary to bring us to repentance and secure resolution to these areas. “Then will I teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto thee.” 

3 – STUDY TO SHEW THYSELF APPROVED.  The fact that the land is dotted with mega churches wherein smooth words are spoken, reveals that many are not diligent in studying the word for themselves.  Much of that which calls itself the church, is driven by catchy sound-bytes and all inclusive sayings that sooth…..and relax…..and put one into a slumber unto death.  They keep them entertained with the latest in visual and audio presentations.  They plan out a myriad of activities to keep them moving, and singing, and clapping…….but never really prayerfully inquiring as to whether these things are so.  These have been programmed to go along with whatever is being said.  When the pastor says “repeat after me – I’m claiming that thing by faith” they repeat.  When he says “turn to your neighbor and say I’m living my best life now” they do it. We must be diligent in hiding the scriptures in our heart; ensuring that our understanding is coming from God and not the clever phrases of our contemporaries.  

4 – STEADFASTLY Determine beforehand, and work toward preparing accordingly, that we will not receive the mark of the beast. I have had three dreams, over the past few years, in which I was about to be beheaded for this refusal.  (In the most recent one, the agents of antichrist had set up a beheading station in my place of employment, over in a corner near the paint line.)  Each time, I found myself withing that I had better utilized my time here to be about my Fathers business.  I knew that I could not receive the mark and had no plans of doing so in any of these dreams…….I believe they were meant to cause greater diligence on my part… forsake the foolish (which isn’t easy because I was born with a sarchastic chromosome) and be about the things which have eternal ramifications.

5 PRESENCE OF GOD  Abiding consciously, and continually in the presence of Jesus is paramount.  Not only does it keep our affections upon the eternal, being in the presence of the Lord is like nothing that this world could ever offer or hope to offer.  There is a sweetness that is beyond defining, a peace that is all encompassing, a love so intense that the firmament seems ready to burst into a sweet melody of adoration for the God who inhabits sternity.  It’s like (this will sound weird) being at the base of a huge waterfall that comes from the heavenly realm and refreshes the wearied traveler.  Cool, clear, and void of anything that causes bitterness, it comes down and the spray cleanses away all of the burdens laid upon us by this world.  It is like streams from above…..and then bubbling up from within as, for a moment, the world is a million miles away and all that we can see is the realm of the everlasting.

The waterfall analogy actually began with a report about a dream that Michael Boldea had in 2004.  I read it shortly after it was published and it has been a point of cogitation ever since.  Here’s a link to the vision, which falls in line completely with the topic of this posting.  The link was not working, using the conventional method, so I must write it out.  Ah; this method works.

I have read of  hundreds of dreams, and accounts of scores of prophetic utterances; some accurate and some not.  Of all these however, this single dream, given to Mr Boldea as they were driving out to the Dakotas, has remained in the forefront ever since reading it. No such report has ever affected me in the manner that this one has.  Well, this is much longer than intended, so I’ll end it here.  Blessings in Jesus name  

Isaiah 26:3  “thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

II Corinthians 4:18 “While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.”


Until the Indignation be Overpast (episode I – quest for clarity)

May 24, 2015

If one were to describe the ongoing streams of dialogue regarding the time of the end, how current events play into that final scenario, and where we are currently positioned on the timeline, two of the most notable attributes would have to be rumor and confusion.  Everyone who gives thought to this issue has a general idea as to how they believe it will play out based on what has been revealed to us in scripture.  We understand that we see through a glass darkly and that alterations to our eschatology of choice can be expected as the finished product approaches.  For example, there will be a moment when all of us will know for certain where the rapture takes place in relation to the other events that are foretold.  At some point, the son of perdition will be revealed and all speculation will be removed from the discussion….at least amongst those who know their God.  The moment will arrive when the wheat and the tares no longer grow side by side.  The line of demarcation; that spiritual boundary which currently runs through families, churches, institutions, communities, and what have you, will be dissolved and we will see things as they truly are. 

Until then, we must prayerfully search the scriptures and remain close to Jesus who has promised to be with us until the end of the world.  We must look beyond the rhetoric of contemporaries, and the endless reports of events taking place upon the earth.  We must abide close to the Lord Jesus and hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches……hear what the Spirit is saying to each of us individually.  This post marks the launching of a look at Matthew chapter 24, (along with accompanying scriptures from other places in the bible) where Jesus discusses the conditions that will precede his return. While these posts are not likely to resolve any of the issues that many of us contemplate, they should encourage us to seek the Lord Jesus on a deeper level and prepare spiritually for anything that we may face in the days ahead.  By considering the conditions that Jesus said would mark the time of the end, and abiding close to Jesus we can prepare for any eventuality…..even the eventual fallout from the activity surrounding the Hadron collider in Cern Switzerland.  

I make specific reference to the Hadron collider because, of all the events that are currently in play, this is one of the real wild cards.  It has the potential to make the world that we have always known virtually unrecognizable and is something that we should be praying against.  I’m beginning to get sidetracked here, however, for the past several days It’s been on my heart to pray for delay in judgment; that many who know not the Lord can hear the gospel one more time and that some will believe on Jesus.  With all of the speculation in this nation, concerning fallout from the Jade Helm extraction exercise, martial law, economic collapse, and many other adversities believed by many to come to fruition in September, my prayer is for a delay in the judgment that is looming, and for those who love the Lord Jesus in spirit and truth to utilize what little time we have left for the furtherance of the kingdom of God.  

The time of tribulation is one of unfathomable sorrow; especially when we consider how many know not the Lord Jesus and how many professors of faith in him are unprepared.  And yet, despite the unfolding of events which will cause men’s hearts to fail them for fear, it will be a time when those who know their God shall be strong and do exploits.  A time when our full attention is upon that which is eternal and our fellowship with Jesus is on a level that we never knew during the season of advancing careers, attending church once or twice each week, and running the kids to their soccer games.  A time of trying, of which Daniel 11:35 reads “And some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed.” A time which, despite the horrific events that will play out, cannot compare to the joy that awaits us on the other side.  When our testimony is completed and we are forever in the presence of Jesus along with all who have gone before us, all of the trials of this world will seem as a very small thing.

The closer that we are to Jesus; the more real that our affections are placed on that which is eternal, the less we will be influenced by the trappings, the reports, and the threatenings of this very (VERY) temporal world.  With this, the diving into Matthew chapter 24 commences.  

Matthew 24:1-2 “And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple.
2 And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.” 

Before considering the boatload of observations that these two verses bring forth, it’s important to consider that had just transpired.  In Matthew chapter 23, Jesus expounds in great detail the astonishing hypocrisy of the pharisees and other religious leaders of that time.  He then went out where the disciples began to point out, and comment on the physical structures.  The temple had been there for as long as they could remember. It was a place of stability – the place where the God of Israel dwelt among his people.  When Jesus told them “there shall not be left here one stone upon another images of a future that was dramatically different than what they had always known, or imagined would be, entered the equation.  (It was somewhat reminiscent of when we talk about the end of the age and people around us become discomforted by the idea that everything in this world that they have known, and worked for, is coming to an end)  We don’t know exactly how many minutes passed before they inquired of this matter, however, as Jesus was upon the mount of olives, the ponderings that were sparked by that statement finally led to inquiry.  

Matthew 24:3 “And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?”

It’s one of the biggest questions of our day as we consider the present unfolding of events.  “When shall these things be?  Is this newly rolled out technology be the framework for the mark of the beast? Is this person or that person the son of perdition? How does this geo-political event play in to bible prophecy?” For every question, there seems to be dozens of potential answers and scenarios; each of which has disciples who will defend them vehemently on social media and become critical of anyone who disagrees.  Seriously, a short time ago, I encountered a post whose author has concluded that the earth is flat based on their interpretation of certain scriptures.  This simple posting, concerning an issue that can be resolved by simple observation, generated more than 80 comments in very short order; some for and some against the idea.  A few even defended the idea with comments like “well NASA is covering up for the illuminati and we cannot trust them.”  It seemed silly, and yet this is what the dialogue has been reduced to in many venues.

“What shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?” Where is this all leading to? We long to receive as much understanding as possible; that we can prepare accordingly.  If we are born of the Spirit and love Jesus, we long for the moment when we are forever in his presence.  We do not want to be caught unprepared, or deceived.  We do not want any root of unbelief to spring up within our heart and we do not want to be lured back into the world by failing to keep our hearts with all diligence.  These are a few of the reasons that we approach this topic soberly and with a hunger for truth.  knowing that many pieces of the puzzle have yet to fall into place, we proceed prayerfully and cautiously; especially when we consider the first thing that Jesus said in regards to this inquiry.  

Matthew 24:4 “And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.”

The single biggest danger to any of us is that of being deceived.  Charles Spurgeon addressed the issue with this quote: “discernment is not knowing the difference between right and wrong.  It is knowing the difference between right and almost right.”  This statement is even more profound today than when it was first uttered.  Deceptions from the twisting of scripture, deceptions in the physical world as eventually false signs will cause multitudes to follow after a lie, and deception from technologies that seem to blur the lines between what is real and what is fabrication.  I expect that technology will eventually enable the displaying of holographic images that which look so real that they will be indistinguishable from the surrounding venue.  Staying close to Jesus and staying in his word is the only way to insulate ourselves from deception.  Referencing back to the person who believes in a flat earth, she did make one good point. She stated words to the effect of “we must believe what we read in scripture, even if the physical world seems to suggest something different.”  While I still believe the earth to be a sphere, she was spot on with this particular observation.  Because soon the lies are going to be backed up with physical manifestation on a level that we cannot fathom at the present.

This is an ideal place to conclude the first installment of this series.  There is so much information in Matthew chapter 24 insofar as what to prepare for, even though many specifics are not forthcoming.   If we stay close to Jesus; ensuring that he is our first love above all else, diligently hide his word in our heart, try the spirits to see if they be of God, and love not our lives in this world, we will be prepared to face any eventuality, even if fleets of spaceships suddenly appear all across the globe……or the disc. (in case the earth really is flat. Hee hee)  

Blessings in Jesus name.



One Hundred and Twenty Days

May 10, 2015

The purpose for this completely unplanned posting (until a few minutes ago) is fourfold.  First, it is intended to highlight both the lateness and the seriousness of the hour.  Second it is to encourage all who profess faith in the Lord Jesus to let go of everything that is not of eternal significance and to press in to the Lord.  To be as close to Jesus as we can be and ensure that, at the end of each day, we have grown closer to him.  To give all diligence to be in his perfect will and seek every opportunity to be about our Fathers business. Third, it is to address some ongoing issues in my life which must be remedied now.   Like most,  I am surrounded by unsaved friends, neighbors, family members, co-workers, and what have you.  Priceless souls that, should they pass into eternity before the sun rises in the morning, will be in hell facing an eternity of torment and anguish.  When we begin to truly wrap our mind around this, most of the issues that dominate our thoughts lose much of their significance.

At the end of the day, or at the end of a life, a single issue remains relevant.  “Is that persons name written in the book of life?”  

The fourth purpose for this posting is to offer up a link to a broadcast that I wasn’t going to listen to, however, a few hours ago, I went ahead and listened to it.  What I had expected to be a run of the mill discussion of prophetic events turned out to be far more significant than I had expected.  It would be easy to dismiss such information.  I’ve lost count of how many autumn seasons we have entered into where I expected the proverbial bottom to fall out and life as we know it to be greatly altered….only to find that the continuance somehow managed to remain relatively intact.  It is important that we approach such things prayerfully.  We must not surrender to sensationalism and we must not be ruled by fear or despair.  We also must not simply close our eyes and think to ourselves “I’ve heard it all before and none of it ever happens.” Many (if not most) are going to proclaim peace and safety right up to the moment of that peace and safety. Here are the links to the June 7 and June 8 broadcasts of Trunews; where Rick Wiles spoke with Mena Lee Grebin.


A hundred and twenty days from now will take us to September 7, 2015.  I don’t know what will be transpiring on that day, or how events will unfold thereafter.  At some point, everything seemingly familiar and stable is going to vanish.  Many are expecting the Jade Helm exercise to mark the beginning of martial law, gun confiscation, extraction of citizens thought to be a danger to the powers that be, and what have you.  There are a staggering number of reports to suggest that something is up; from the suspicious Wal-Mart closings in the “hostile” states to the myriad of sightings involving UN vehicles and foreign troops working in conjunction with this exercise.  We have an economic house of cards that can crumble with little warning and a man sitting in the white house who is actively working to destroy the country whose citizens elected him.  Mr Obama may well be the final U.S president. We’ll know in due time. (If the 1973 C Allen Martin vision is accurate, Mr Obama is the last U.S. president.  A link to the vision is on the “end times prophetic sites” page)  

Something very interesting was stated near the end of the second broadcast – something that I had not given thought to until a few hours ago. Mena Lee Grebin stated that she had been shown a revival that will take place after the collapse of all things familiar.  The country as we have known it will be no more.  Perhaps this is what it will take to cause those who survived all of the upheaval to finally consider issues of eternal significance.  According to Mrs Grebin, this revival will actually be the final installment of a worldwide revival that is currently underway.  (According to reports that I’ve seen, multitudes are coming to Jesus in Iran and Indonesia.)  As for now, each of us must steadfastly abide close to Jesus and be in a place spiritually to both recognize, and follow, the promptings of the Holy Spirit.  He will comfort us in all our tribulation and enable us to endure anything that we must face in the times ahead.  He will even sustain us, should our preferred version of eschatology take a hit. 

Matthew 24:14 “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then the end shall come.” 

This is going to sound gimmicky……because it is gimmicky……but it may help.  About an hour ago, I wrote down the numbers 1 to 120 in reverse order in my notebook, with the intent of crossing them off one by one as the days conclude.  It’s an attempt to remain conscious of how quickly the days pass; thereby causing me to give more diligence to utilizing time wisely.  Time really is running out and this summer is critical.  Even if the continuance remains past September, into next year, and beyond, this fact remains.  Every day is someones last day, and each day carries with it the potential of being our last day.  More than anything, the broadcasts listed above were a call to soberness, examining ourselves before God, and being about our Fathers business in the time that remains.  

Blessings in Jesus name.   


Kokoro no soko kara katsudo ga meiji suru

April 28, 2015

It’s a struggle that all of us have wrestle with at times. While we openly and vehemently profess that Jesus is our first love, oftentimes our actions suggest that something else is in the proverbial drivers seat.  I know of many professing Christians who attend church regularly and do all of the things that are expected of them……and yet their lives are dictated by the goings on in their family, professional ambitions, an addiction to a fruitless pastime, or any number of other things which can become ones primary focus. (Amos 8:5) I have been asking the Lord Jesus to instill such a love for him that the distractions of this life will lose every shred of influence and every obligation will be kept in a proper perspective.  Such a place does exist for one who is born of the Spirit and, even now, most of the things which once held me in continual suspense have lost their hold.  But there are the lingering…..seemingly harmless time bandits – some of which may even appear to have spiritual significance…..and yet ultimately, they cause one to squander valuable time that could have been utilized in a way that furthered the kingdom of God. 

Colossians 3:2 “Set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth.” 

Sometimes the obligations of life seem to have us in a continuous cycle of activity. (we can all relate to this) These are the times in which we must be especially watchful as Satan will always seek to use such seasons to his advantage. Perhaps a three hour block of time wherein we can enter the prayer closet is simply not available, however, we can take advantage of every small space of time to be in the presence of the Lord.  Seriously; taking a few minutes, between consuming obligations, to be in the presence of the Lord Jesus, can be the difference between maintaining an eternal perspective throughout the duration of a physical responsibility, or becoming consumed by the agenda of this world.  For me, one way of accomplishing this is by walking to work instead of driving.  The twenty five minute walk, through quiet neighborhoods late in the evening, (I work third shift) allows for quality time with Jesus without distraction.  The walk home is even better because the option to linger is available.  I can stop at a park bench for a few minutes and prayerfully consider the deep things of God while the sound of birds chirping fills the early morning air.  

And yet, even when such time is available, distractive thoughts can creep in and steal the moment.  Those seemingly harmless issues that fly beneath our spiritual radar and then interrupt the line of communication.  Every prayerful inquiry regarding this matter has resulted in the same passage of scripture coming to mind; I Corinthians 15:31, which reads I protest by your rejoicing which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily.” The battle against the old nature which dwells in our members will continue for as long as we inhabit a vessel of clay.  While we are not to be enslaved by sin or beholden to the things of this world, the fact remains that the flesh will continually pull towards the baser elements.  The degree to which we have victory over such things is a reflection of where we are spiritually and areas of struggle indicate a need to seek a deeper relationship with Jesus through prayer, fasting, and dwelling in his word. “Praying through” is a term that’s rarely heard these days, but it is a must if we are to endure that which is manifesting upon the earth.  

Hebrews 12:4 “Ye have not yet resisted unto blood in striving against sin.”

Striving against sin is an inherent trademark of one who has truly been born of the Spirit.  Not just repeat a sinners prayer and go on living in the same fashion as before, but a true moment of conversion where they recognized their sinful state and the consequences thereof, understood that Jesus paid for their sin with his own innocent blood, repented of their sin, and from that moment on strove to live for their Savior. Striving unto blood is resisting sin with everything that is in us and calling on God to strengthen us during the moments of temptation when we become overwhelmed.  James 4:7 frames it perfectly: “Submit yourselves therefore to God.  Resist the devil and he will flee from you.”  But to fully appreciate this, along with the Hebrews 4:12, it’s necessary to return to the beginning of chapter 12.  The importance of this cannot be overstated as, in the days before us, we will both witness things, and be tempted in ways, that we never could have anticipated.  Our spiritual preparation will be pivotal to maintaining our testimony of Jesus.

It goes without saying that, for many, these are familiar scriptures.  Nonetheless, the importance of the issue at hand requires another visiting of them.  

Hebrews 12:1 “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and run with patience the race that is set before us.”

The writer of Hebrews (I think that it was Paul, however, some believe otherwise) had just finished telling of several of old testament saints who maintained their testimony in the midst of horrific trials. When everything in the physical realm was flowing in the wrong direction, through faith they “subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to fight the armies of the aliens.” Many endured persecution, imprisonment, and death at the hands of their oppressors. Many lived outside of the social structure; wandering about in wilderness areas, living in caves and mountains with a minimum of physical assets, but having complete confidence in the Creator of all that is. (Of whom the world was not worthy:) Hebrews 12:1 encourages us to consider the end of these saints, of whom that a cloud of witnesses is comprised (a cloud that has greatly increased in size since the time that the book of Hebrews was written) and to lay aside everything that would hinder us from finishing our course

Hebrews 12:2 “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” 

Looking unto Jesus steadfastly; always keeping in remembrance, the price that he paid for our sins.  None of us can fully grasp just how incredible our salvation is.  We were lost – on our way to hell with no hope and no means whereby we could rid ourselves of sin.  Jesus, who is before all things, and by whom all things consist……who has no beginning, no ending, and is unchanging……stepped into the flow of time and into a world that was contrary to his nature in every way possible.  He was tempted in every way as we are and when his flesh was at its absolute weakest point, the deceiver sought to derail him.  “Make these stones bread……cast thyself from this high place…….all of the kingdoms of this world will I give you – just worship me.”  The temptation in the wilderness alone is so profound that we cannot wrap our minds around it. And yet Jesus prevailed; each time using scripture to defeat the ancient foe.  He went about during his days in a body of flesh; healing all who were oppressed of the devil, freely sharing the words of this life, and bidding “whosoever will” to follow him.

When the time was at hand when he was to be crucified, he could have called more than twelve legions of angels……at any time, from the moment of his apprehension in the garden until the time that he was taking his final breaths……he could have called out and been delivered. But he remained in the will of the Father until death.  The eternal picture was never lost and because of his obedience, we have access to that which we do not deserve. On the cross, the one who had never sinned bore the sin debt of all who had ever, and would ever, walk upon the earth.  It is absolutely imperative that we continuously remember the price that he paid for us and how he sought us out when we were altogether lost in trespasses and sins.  There was nothing that we could ever offer him; nothing in our power to remedy our situation.  We were lost in every sense of the word, until the blood of Jesus washed our sins away.    

Hebrews 12:3 “For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.” 

Lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.” While joy unspeakable and peace that defies understanding are promises for to those who abide close to Jesus, there is always the danger of losing sight; even to the point of fainting. If we fail to keep our focus upon Jesus, especially in the times that we’re entering into, we will be deceived. If a person fails to keep their heart with all diligence, something else will become their primary focus.  If not repented of, that which caused them to leave their first love will cause them to make decisions that will torment them throughout eternity.  Many,if not most, professing Christians (at least in the westernized nations) are going to faint when conditions reach a point of “Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and looking after those things which are coming upon the earth:”  And then, when the false Christs and false prophets begin to “shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect” those who are not in a right standing with God will believe a lie….and ultimately wonder after a beast.

The thrust behind this posting is to encourage all who love the Lord Jesus to examine ourselves and prayerfully inquire if we are harboring things which will derail us in the hour of temptation.  Peter was fully persuaded that he was ready to lay down his life for Jesus, and yet, when he was identified as a follower, he denied the Lord three times.  This incident has served as a reminder to every generation since, to not beware of overconfidence.  None of us can face what lies ahead in our own strength or wisdom.  examining ourselves now; drawing in ever closer to Jesus and remaining in constant communication with him will enable us to prepare spiritually for anything that we may be confronted with……even if the events prophesied unfold in a manner that unravels our eschatology.  Our faith is not in our understanding every single event that is unfolding, but in being close to Jesus, determining to never deny him, and settling it in our hearts to never receive that which will forever separate us from his presence.

I must end this post with a personal report.  Earlier today, we attended the funeral of a relative on my wife’s side of the family whom I had never met in life. (at least not that I remember) The man was 92 and had been in church his entire life.  Several years ago, however, he met Jesus and was born of the Spirit.  As the funeral proceeded, one after another of those who were closest to him, testified of the incredible change that transpired in his life after he was truly saved.  The pastor who performed the eulogy included the message of salvation in his dialogue, however, by that time many of the relatives had already done this.  It was the most uplifting funeral that I have ever been to…..and yet it brought to the forefront a disturbing reality.  How many people have been filling church pews for decades, doing all that is expected of them and being model “Christian citizens” but have never been born of the Spirit.  

The funeral tied in perfectly with the theme of this post…..which is probably why all of my efforts over the past two weeks to finish this were derailed.  Seriously; every distraction under the sun has manifested; keeping this post in the draft section…..until today.

From the bottom of the heart, actions manifest.  Blessings in Jesus name.


All The Words of This Life

March 24, 2015

Speaking the truth; utilizing every opportunity to share the words of life with those who know not the Lord Jesus, while offering exhortation to the saints, is one of the primary reasons that many of us utilize social media platforms.  This issue has been brought to the forefront by a report from Scott Johnson, coupled with something that was laid on my heart a few days ago. During part one of his March 15 current events/bible study, Scott Johnson discussed the recent action taken by the FCC to regulate the internet. For many of us, the internet is the only means by which we have access to unfiltered reporting (using discernment of course) maintain connect with like-minded saints, and discuss the issues of eternal significance with any interested party. It is a place where, thus far, the entities that be have been unable to obtain total control over the narrative. While they have utilized it to identify who thinks what, who associates with who, and who is likely to be a “problem” when the hammer is brought down,  this action by the FCC is the first concrete step toward silencing those who do not subscribe to the official “version.”  

This concrete step toward regulation seems to indicate that the profiling phase is nearly complete and they are ready for the next phase.  A dark season where any dialogue which testifies of the Lord Jesus, proclaims biblical truth, or sheds light on the gathering wickedness will be removed and those who utter such things will be silenced. Understanding that the season for unrestricted access to this venue will eventually end, we should utilize our remaining time here in a way that is profitable and points others to Jesus…….because “the night cometh when no man can work. 

The “thing laid on my heart” aspect, involves the issues that we meditate upon and talk about.  During an afternoon a few days ago, I had given a significant amount of thought to a topic of a temporal nature when this question arose: “Is this something that we will be talking about when we are in eternity?”  Clearly, my train of thought had taken a turn into the realm of the unprofitable and foolish. The fallout from such a diversion is twofold. First, it causes us to take our eyes off from Jesus and things of an eternal nature.  Prayerful meditation on scriptural truth is exchanged for something of a baser nature. Something which doesn’t appear to be evil, but still manages to pull us into a carnal frame of mind. Second, it leaves us unprepared; should we suddenly be called to answer one who asks of the hope that is in us. When we are in a carnal state of mind, it’s difficult to suddenly “shift gears” in a seamless manner.  Indeed, truth does not return void, and the apostle Paul rejoiced even when truth was preached in pretense, however, it’s much better to be prepared when such opportunities arise. ‘

I Peter 3:15 “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.”

The remainder of this post will focus on some familiar passages which relate to the issues of always being prepared to speak truth; beginning with a familiar discourse from the book of Daniel which reveals what it means to love God more than our place in this world

Daniel 3:16-18 “Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednigo, answered and said to the king, O Nebudchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this manner.”

They were not careful…..they didn’t have to think about how to respond.  Their attitude in regards to the holy One of Israel was not careless or half-hearted.  Subsequently, they didn’t didn’t hesitate, and they refused to enter into an agreement with a lie when it appeared that such a refusal would cost them their lives.  

17 “If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king.
18 But if not, be it known unto thee O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.”

We know the story. Nebudchadnezzar had set up a golden image and demanded that everyone worship it, Whenever the people heard the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltry, and dulcimer, they were to drop what they were doing and bow down to the image.  Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednigo refused; even when offered a second chance, and were subsequently thrown into a furnace that had been made seven times hotter than normal.  The men who threw them into the fire perished at the door. Moments later, king Nebudchadnezzar looked into the flames and saw “four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt: and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.” God worked a miraculous deliverance that day.  But even if he had not worked a physical deliverance from the fiery furnace, the three young men knew one thing: “and he will deliver us out of thine hand O king.”  It was a Revelation 21:11 moment, several hundred years before the book of Revelation was recorded.  

It’s interesting that the testimony of these three men, along with the testimony of Daniel being thrown into the lions den as a result of those who framed mischief by a law, are recorded in a book that contains important information in regards to the time of the end.  A time when a beast will destroy wonderfully and cause craft to prosper. For a brief season, he will wear out the saints of the most high; making war and and prevailing over them in the physical realm. Shadrach, Meshach, Abednigo, and Daniel maintained their testimony; just as we must maintain ours.  

Philippians 1:28 “And in nothing terrified by your adversaries: which is to them an evident token of perdition, but to you of salvation, and that of God.”

Revelation 2:10 “Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and thou shalt have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.”

Whether we are being brought before kings and governors, or sharing the words of life with our neighbor, we must strive to ensure that we are speaking as we ought; that our words are being directed by the Holy Spirit who sees the entire situation of those before us and knows exactly what they need to hear.

Luke 21:12-15 “But before all these, they shall lay hands on you, and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues, and into prisons, being brought before kings and rulers for my name’s sake.
13 And it shall turn to you for a testimony.
14 Settle it therefore in your hearts, not to meditate before what ye shall answer:
15 For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist.

Just as the Holy Ghost was upon Steven during his final discourse, we can trust that he will empower us, and grant utterance, when we are betrayed by those closest to us and brought before those in position of authority.  If we are abiding close to Jesus beforehand, without wavering and without any root of unbelief, we can be confident that, when we are called into these situations, he will direct our dialogue.  The words will be the right words and they will accomplish that which the Lord is seeking to accomplish in that situation.  But if we waver, or if we try to direct our own speech, we run the risk of, not only speaking something that fails to properly address the situation (it may be a truth, but not relevant to the situation at hand) we run the risk of enabling the adversaries to draw us into a dialogue which could lead to compromise.  (Luke 21:15 is so important.  Also see Acts 7:54-57) One who is not relying on the Holy Spirit in a situation like this has already placed themselves at a serious disadvantage. 

Thus far, the focus has been on our dialogue in potential Revelation 12:11 situations.  But there is another aspect which is equally important – that of speaking the words of life, in the manner that we should, wherever we may be.  Every day, we encounter people who are not born of the Spirit and, if they die before the next sunrise, will be in hell.  They are on the broad path that all of us were once travelling down.  If their final breath suddenly passes, their time in the valley of decisions will be finished and their eternal situation secured.  In ourselves we are not adequate to the task.  Even if we were to memorize every passage of scripture and understand mysteries laid out in scripture that few ever understand in this world, without the Holy Spirit leading us, we are going to unwittingly address a number of issues improperly. Two passages reveal how the apostle Paul addressed this issue.  (He was one of the most educated men of his day, yet he fully understood his own insufficiency.) 

Ephesians 6:18-20 “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
19 And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel,
20 For which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly as I ought to speak.” 

Many people; having a level of understanding comparable to that of Paul, would have been tempted to rely on their accumulation of knowledge as they entered into discussions about the deep things of God.  They will pray beforehand of course; perhaps even devoting a lengthy amount of time to such.  But when the time for speaking is at hand, there is a tendency to retreat into the comfortable confines of what has been rehearsed.  Again, truth never returns void and we never know when a word spoken will fall on fertile ground and bear fruit.   But it’s much better to be relying on the Holy Spirit and the words that he gives us.  The Lord knows the entire situation; the hearts of every hearer, what they have been through, what their present beliefs are, what their secrets are……and exactly what they need to hear at a given time.  

One of the most astonishing things is when someone comes up to us and mentions something that we said months or even years ago, which deeply impacted them.  A statement or something that we may well not even remember……or if we do remember saying it, at the time it didn’t seem significant at all.  But that statement of truth, void of pride and preparation on our part, went in and did exactly what it was supposed to do in the heart of that individual.  The next passage is similar to the previous:

Colossians 4:3-5 “Withal praying also for us, that God would open unto us a door of utterance, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which i am also in bonds:
4  That I may make it manifest as I ought to speak.
5 Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time”

 The same request by the apostle Paul who understood perfectly that his sufficiency was not in his own achievements, but in Christ.  A few minutes ago, while praying about a situation that I have to enter in a few hours and feeling terribly inadequate, I was reminded of this.  Actually I John 4:4 came to mind, however, it is in the same line of truth.  We have Jesus abiding within and he is greater than anything that the enemy can throw at us.  If we abide close to him and have his truth hidden in our heart, he can utilize us in the situations before us, the name of Jesus will be magnified……and God will give the increase.  

II Timothy 2:24-26 “And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient,
25 In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;
26 And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.’ 

Blessings in Jesus name.


“A L A M O” (watashi wa hitori masen)

March 10, 2015

II Corinthians 5:1-2 “For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.
2 For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven.”

To have our affections set upon a world that we have never seen. To have total confidence in, and love for, the one who was tempted in points as we are, was yet without sin, and tasted death for every man. To be fully persuaded that the word we have received, and believed, is 100% accurate. To be unmoved by the seamless parade of manufactured evidence and supernatural manifestation which supports a false conclusion. (Deuteronomy 13:1-3) To maintain the testimony of Jesus, while everyone else believes us to be the haters of all that is good.  That list of deceived ones which includes friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, people who we rubbed shoulders with in the common areas…..and  saints who once seemed unshakable, during the days of ease, when each of us rested comfortably in our space.  To be in our final moment; surrounded by the enforcers of the new way, along with an array of recorders that are transmitting into all the world, our fifteen minutes of earthly fame.  To finally understand the words of Jesus, when he said “and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.”

In that moment, with liberty only moments away, all of the distractions will be dissolved. The war is over, and the battle won, as with our final breaths, we focus on a single name….”Lord Jesus; receive my spirit.”  Jesus; the only begotten Son of God who purchased us with his own blood. Jesus; who, every since the hour that we first believed, has been a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Our faithful high priest, who guided us over the highest mountains, carried us through the darkest valleys, and sheltered us while the tempest was raging. His word was the barometer by which we discerned between truth and error.  The Holy Spirit comforted us in all our tribulations while guiding us into the way that we should go. And throughout the journey, he brought into our lives, other saints, who, for a period of time offered refreshing and insight. Gatherings of two or three, in Jesus name, where we compelled each other to remain steadfast; even as ten thousand were caving on every side. 

II Timothy 4:6-8 “For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand.
7 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:
8 Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.”

Contemplating, and preparing spiritually for, the moment when we leave this world at the hands of those who love not the Lord Jesus.  To many, it sounds like a proverbial “doom and gloom” topic as it suggests the prevailing of evil over that which is good. It causes one to, not only consider that the climate to which they have become so comfortable may have an end, it brings a message of betrayal, suffering, and abandonment. It carries one to the end of their time in this world where, in a moment, they will know whether or not they are spiritually prepared for this final stand. The fine line that separates the temporal from the eternal transforms into an endless sea, whereupon all of the trivial matters sail away forever. When tomorrow is no longer within our reach, our distortions are rectified and all remaining inquiries resolved. Is Jesus truly our first love…… or have lingering affections for this world, and our place in it, left in tact a platform from which the old nature of self-preservation will force us to enter into a contract from which there is no way back? 

Hebrews 3:12 “Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God.”

Maintaining our testimony steadfast until the end is literally a matter of life and death and one that none of us can take lightly.  We are witnessing firsthand, the great falling away that is written about in II Thessalonians chapter two; evidenced by trends such as the increasing number of churches that embrace sodomy, the rapid rise of chrislam, and the number of professing Christians who have no fear of God as they partake of one unscriptural practice after another.  We are also witnessing the various components of the beast system as they are being fine-tuned and then implemented by those who have knowingly given their allegiance to the father of lies. We are bombarded with reports of our brethren are being counted as sheep for the slaughter in an increasing number of locations.  Meanwhile, in the seemingly stable areas, many professing Christians  heap to themselves teachers having itching ears who will talk at length about their best life now, “supposing that gain is godliness,” and lead them away from the God whom they claim to be serving.

II Thessalonians 2:3-4 “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.”

The falling away is coming to the full and soon, a beast will take center stage. (Those who received not the love of the truth will, not only follow this beast, they will line up with enthusiasm to do what is required of them to be in good standing with him….and preserve their life in this world. They will be carried away by flatteries and clamor for his mark. And while the exact makeup of this mark has yet to be determined, we know that it will forever separate its recipients from the presence of God and dissolve any shred of hope for everlasting life. These folks may well become “something not completely human,” and they will become our enemies – regardless of how close they may have been to us beforetime – as they will no longer have any control over their facilities. (That sounds somewhat extraordinary…..unless one considers how much the majority of our contemporaries are already being controlled by the official narrative.)  

Revelation 13:4 “And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?” 

They are worshiping the dragon – even before the mark is implemented. “Who can make war with him?” The lofty words, the supernatural manifestation, and the manner in which this entity is able to resolve all of the issues that brought the world to the brink of destruction, will cause the deceived ones to follow him with fervor…..and subsequently view anyone who opposes him as “the enemy of all humanity!” By this time, many of us will, either be in very small groups of like-minded saints, or completely alone, in a world where every institution, every governing entity, every media outlet……and every person who knows not the Lord Jesus, will be in lockstep with the dragon.  But while every facet of this world will be against us, this may well be the most incredible time that we will have ever known. Having abandoned all earthly aspirations, our focus will be completely upon Jesus……and the fellowship with him will be on a level that we never experienced back when we still had a portion in this world. 

Luke 21:28 “And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.”

This is the primary thrust of this posting. To encourage all who love the Lord Jesus to look up with anticipation; placing this temporal world into a proper perspective …..and focusing on the issues which have eternal significance. To have our affections on the eternal and not the temporal. If our affections are truly “there” we will not be drawn away by the events “here.” The false promises of this world will have no power to entice; nor will the threatenings of the enemy be able to diminish our confidence. Our eyes are fixed upon Jesus our Savior, our heart dwells in eternity, and we understand fully the words of the apostle Paul when he wrote “For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” 

“The Alamo moment” is in reference to ones final stand in this world. it is the saints final testimony of Jesus before an unbelieving world. The historical Alamo was established as a Spanish mission.  Later it was hastily converted into a makeshift fort by Texas soldiers who were facing insurmountable odds as the armies of Santa Ana moved north. It has become symbolic of the proverbial “last stand;” a point where one is completely surrounded by the opposition and is left with only their testimony. In the physical sense, the battle is over before it begins. But the real campaign was waged, and won, while the enemy was still beyond the horizon. Back when, in a reflective moment, we determined that we would maintain our testimony, regardless of the physical consequences of doing so. We understand fully that the Lord can sustain us in any situation, and when our testimony is completed, receive us unto himself. “Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints” and “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” 

The final two passages reveal the mindset of the apostle Paul in regards to the issue of maintaining our testimony until the end: 

Acts 21:12-15 “And when we heard these things, both we, and they of that place, besought him not to go up to Jerusalem.
13 Then Paul answered, What mean ye to weep and to break mine heart? for I am ready not to be bound only, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.
14 And when he would not be persuaded, we ceased, saying, The will of the Lord be done.” 

The apostle Paul was not carelessly seeking death and running headstrong toward that end. He was, however, ready to die if that should be the conclusion of his trip to Jerusalem. His entire focus was upon the Lord Jesus; regardless of consequences. The following passage offers a more refined example of Paul’s mindset. 

Philippians 1:23-24 “For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better:
24 Nevertheless to abide in the flesh is more needful for you.”

His heart was firmly in heavenly places and he desired to be with the Lord Jesus. He anticipated that wonderful moment when he would enter the presence of the Lord and never again be apart. At the same time, however, the care of the churches weighed on him immensely. He understood his office and comprehended the incredible challenges that the churches faced in those opening moments of the church age. Well, it’s time to go for now. My prayer is that all of us will be prepared spiritually for whatever we may face in the days ahead. I’ll end with a passage which, has become my personal “Alamo verse” as it perfectly outlines the means by which we endure until the end.

Revelation 12:11 “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.”

Blessings in Jesus name.


Kunen o totte seija ga senren suru

March 2, 2015

Sometimes we come across a simple quote which seems to revolutionize the way that we consider a particular thing. The truth contained may appear to be insignificant to most; including the one who uttered the quote. But for one, the seemingly insignificant statement becomes an observation that is revisited often. For example, several years ago, we attended a church north of here for a period of time. One day, the pastor mentioned “the hundred year test.” The idea was simple – whenever something is getting us out of sorts or causing distress, we should ask ourselves “will this issue be relevant a hundred years from now?” If the answer is no, than it’s probably not very significant now. It may seem monumental at the moment, such as loss of employment, a lengthy illness, wrongful imprisonment, or what have you. But they are all temporal in nature, and, one second after one’s final breath passes, all such issues cease to be relevant. 

The statement outlining the hundred year test is not found in the bible, yet there are enumerable passages and events recorded therein, which touch on the need to maintain an eternal outlook and not focus on temporary circumstances. God inhabits eternity and Jesus stated that his word would never pass away. The hundred year test narrative became very important in the months following.  Our family went through a storm so intense, and coming from so many angles at the same time…..that I began battling thoughts of wanting to end my life – thoughts that a born again follower of the Lord Jesus should never “ever” entertain. By the grace of God, I learned some important things during that time. First, I learned how to renounce such voices which came directly from the pit. Second, I began to let go of physical attachments which had previously been a struggle. And third, when a substantial loss of physical assets became a reality, it was like a massive liberation. My heart was no longer attached to those things.  

Matthew 6:21 “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”

Our life in this world is but a vapor; a spark that shines for a split second and then disappears forever from this realm. Maintaining this eternal perspective will enable us to arrange our priorities in a proper manner. In recent months, other quotes have caught my attention. All of these were found as pictures on social media and, subsequently, I have no idea as to who originally presented them. They are by no means a substitute for scripture. Again; Gods word is eternal and by it we discern between truth and error. Every time confusion arises in my life, bible verses which address the issue are quickly brought to remembrance. Nonetheless, these phrases have had an impact….beginning with: 

 “Speak the truth, even if your voice shakes.”

I am a quiet person who likes to be at peace with everyone as much as possible. Sometimes the pressure to compromise seems nearly overwhelming, and, in such instances, I tend to hurry my speech and trip over words easily. This fault has always troubled me because the righteous are supposed to be as bold as a lion. And if this is a struggle now, what will be the result of having to stand for truth when doing so will mean a quick exit from the theater of atoms…..or will result in those of my household being harmed? This passage, not only provided another angle of consideration, it became a prayer. “Lord Jesus; please let every syllable that comes out of my mouth be truth….even if I struggle to get it out and become totally disoriented in the process.” Even if speaking the truth results in the loss of everything in this life.” Standing for truth; maintaining our testimony of Jesus until our final breath is how we overcome this evil world. Speaking truth is also the only way that others can be delivered from death.

Romans 1:16 “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.” 

“For it is the power of God.” A few days ago, I read the account of a man who pastors a large church in Tennessee. He has succumbed to the pressure to embrace the same-sex lifestyle. Despite his years of assembling sermons and presenting biblical truth before a congregation of thousands, he finally caved under the immense pressure to agree to something that, thirty years ago, would have been unthinkable in most evangelical churches. Yet, today, in church after church, the preaching the gospel with power is being replaced with the false wisdom of this world and an entertainment-driven agenda which draws in a large crowd, but doesn’t offer any spiritual nourishment. The pastor seemed conflicted as he announced this change of policy, however, it goes without saying that the seeds of compromise were planted long before the official announcement. Whether it was fear of losing members, fear of ridicule, or love of this world, the snare finally yielded visible fruit. 

Matthew 10:18-20 “And ye shall be brought before governors and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them and the Gentiles.
19 But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak.
20 For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you.”

The pressure to compromise is gaining momentum by the day, and we must be prepared to stand for truth. Throughout the book of Acts the apostles are filled with the Holy Ghost and speak the words of life boldly. We should seek to be in such a place to do likewise; abiding close to Jesus and trusting that he will meet us in that moment. It goes without saying, however, that we are not always in our most spiritual state and the enemy may well corral us when we are not fully watching. When such a situation arises, we must be prepared to speak truth…..even if it comes out shaky and sounds unconvincing. Another statement that I heard recently contained words to this effect: “The enemy will not entice us with blatant things……he simply wants to get us to go along with him on something – no matter how insignificant.” Once he gets a proverbial foot in the door, he can set up shop and begin hammering away at our resolve.

I’m convinced that very few of us are fully prepared for what we are soon to face in this physical realm. No matter how accurate ones eschatology may be, (or may not be) all who are present when the bottom falls out will witness things that they weren’t expecting. We must maintain the testimony of Jesus; even when every shred of evidence and every ounce of momentum seems to be favoring a conclusion that is contrary to scripture……even if our eschatology has become unraveled…….even if our voice shakes and our words are classified as foolishness by those who have already secured their place in the lake of fire. The testimony of Jesus Christ is our proverbial “Alamo” when nothing that we see is making sense; knowing that he has washed away our sin with his own blood and that we are but a heartbeat away from being forever in his presence.” 

 “This world is the only hell that a Christian will ever know. This world is the only heaven that the wicked will ever know.”

Three portions of scripture instantly come to mind in regards to this truth. Psalm 37 and psalm 73 speak of when the wicked seem to be prospering at everything they do; yet the time comes when their time ends and all of their aspirations cease. In Luke chapter 16, we read about the rich man and Lazarus. Lazarus was an outcast, but has now been with Jesus for over two thousand years……while the rich man is still thirsty. In this life, the wicked often seem to get away with their wickedness” while those who stand for truth are troubled on every side and their  cries for justice unheard. When we see this transpiring, it’s important to maintain an eternal perspective and remember that “everything is being recorded.” Nobody is getting away with anything, and unless a person believes on the Lord Jesus; sincerely repenting of, and turning from, their sin, they will give account for every syllable, every deed, every thought, every motive, and every evil campaign that they stood in agreement with during their days in the land of the breathing.

A strange thing is happening in the opening quarter of 2015. Wickedness is on the rise on every front; fueled by an official narrative which calls evil good and good evil. A president sits in Washington who refuses to equate islam with terrorism, but has no problem classifying Christians, constitutionalists, and anyone who stands for traditional family values as potential terrorists. In church after church, the standard is being lowered to embrace all manner of wickedness, while those who preach the truth of Gods word are becoming increasingly rare. Liberty is steadily vanishing and peace is being taken from the earth. Revelation 13:7 reads “And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.” Their hatred of us will be unrestrained…..but they cannot pursue us beyond the grave and, once our testimony is completed, we will never again have to face our adversaries. 

II Corinthians 4:17 For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.

I Peter 4:12-13 “Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you:
13 But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.” 

And finally:

“Those who have walked through the fire, leave sparks of light everywhere they go.”

this quote came from a secular source, however, it touches on a truth that is both incredible, and ominous. On the morning of march 1, 2015, I saw a nearly four year old video featuring Brigitte Gabriel; a lady that I had never heard of before. She grew up in Lebanon and remembers when it was a prosperous and open society. She also witnessed what happened when Muslims became the majority of the population and began seeking to destroy all of the “infidels.” She lived in a bomb shelter for years while she and her parents survived on dandelions and whatever else could be found. Finally, they were facing certain extermination, until the Israeli army began standing in the gap. She was giving her testimony before a very large congregation and I wondered… many of them actually heard her words, considered their significance, and responded accordingly. I also wondered how many went their way afterward, thinking “that was an inspiring message” but were not changed by it.

The video of Brigitte Gabriel can be viewed Here

Those who have been through the fire have a different perspective than those who have had a time of relevant ease. Not only does such tribulation factor in when eternal reward is granted, those who have been through the fire have a story which can inspire others to take more serious about the issues that really matter, become involved in areas that they may not have considered previously…..and prepare for a time when they too may have to face adversity…….because someday, the beheading of Christians isn’t going to be restricted to a few countries in the middle east and northern Africa. (Actually, there is much more going on, even now, than is being reported by the primary media outlets.) 

Acts 8:4 “Therefore, they that were scattered abroad went every where preaching the word.”

Philippians 1:12-14 “But I would ye should understand, brethren, that the things which happened unto me have fallen out rather unto the furtherance of the gospel:
13 So that my bonds in Christ are manifest in all the palace, and in all other places;
14 And many of the brethren in the Lord, waxing confident by my bonds, are much more bold to speak the word without fear.”

This post is already too long, however, one more thing has to be included.: 

II Corinthians 1:3-4 “Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort:
4 Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.” 

In the second paragraph, I mentioned a dark season where I was actively contemplating something horrific, and how the Lord brought me through that season. That season ended up making me stronger and more focused on the eternal, however, it did something else as well. I can better comfort and encourage anyone who is going through a similar situation; having been on the brink of destruction myself. Beforehand, if someone had come to me contemplating such a thing, I could have given a few bible verses on why they should not do it, however, I would be unable to fully relate to their dilemma. But now I can offer another perspective….as one who has been there, and not simply a stranger quoting scripture. (not to downplay scripture – Gods word never returns void) Nearly all of us have had seasons of affliction and turmoil which have made us what we are today, and placed us in a position to minister to any who are going through a similar season. 

All of us; that is, every saint who is currently alive in this world, is being prepared for what lies ahead. (I had wanted to delve into Daniel 11:32-35, but this is already too long.) There will come a moment when most of our contemporaries will be unable to deny the trends that most of us see taking place already. When this happens, there will be small “windows of opportunity” where they will be receptive to truth and will diligently seek out anyone whom they perceive as having answers to what is transpiring. (some will cleave to us with flatteries.) Those who are born of the Spirit will be able to reach some of them, however, these opportunities will be short lived. According to scripture, most will succumb to the official narrative; a narrative that was hatched in hell and will be accompanied by signs and lying wonders.  Those who still reject the truth will believe the strong delusion……and ultimately turn on anyone who maintains the testimony of Jesus. Maintaining an eternal perspective, with our affections firmly upon the Lord Jesus is imperative. A hundred years from now, all of us will be in our eternal situation.  

Blessings in Jesus name.


Kokuo no aru kaodachi kyoretsu – Hanketsu ga kuroppoi rikai suru

February 7, 2015

This posting must begin with two links to the same site. The first link takes one to the general homepage, where the latest teaching will always be located at the top of the page.  The second takes one to a specific portion of what is currently the most recent study.

Scott Johnson home page
Scott Johnson February 1 Teaching, part 3

 In the third part of the February 2, 2015 teaching, (second link) Scott Johnson discusses two aspects concerning the time of the end that none of us can easily dismiss. The first involves a person who could potentially be the notorious son of perdition.  We all wonder who will eventually move into that position.  The reason that the discussion is so important is that it highlights the elements of deception that will accompany the arrival of this fierce king…..regardless of who ends up fulfilling that role. The individual mentioned in the teaching, not only made an appearance wherein miracles were performed, a local Christian leader introduced him as Jesus. Prior to his appearing, another well known Christian evangelist prophesied that this guy would appear on June 11, 1988, which turned out to be the exact day of the appearing. This evangelist also referred to him as Jesus. To add even more intrigue to this, the travels of a then-24 year old Barak Obama brought him within a few yards of where this individual appeared.

Matthew 24:23-24 “Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there: believe it not.
24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. 

In the study, Scott Johnson touched on aspects of the incident that I was unaware of, such as the evangelist who “prophesied” the exact day of his appearing. This man is well known and respected among evangelical Christians. I have never taken time to study this man, or listen to his teachings, so my commentary here is strictly in regards to this single incident that transpired 27 years ago. An incident that reveals the dangers of following a man…..any man…..regardless of how legitimate they appear, how on track their teachings are, or how focused on Jesus they seem to be. None of us are completely immune to deception. The greatest danger that a saint faces is not deception from a way that is blatantly contrary to scripture, but from one that appears to be spot on. If such a one unwittingly places more emphasis on miracles than they do on that which is written, the danger becomes even more profound. 

I Thessalonians 5:21 “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.”

It is not certain as to whether or not Mr. Obama had a direct encounter with this man. The fact that the Mr Obama just happened to be visiting the country at the same time as the appearing seems well beyond the realm of coincidence. What can be documented, however, is that right after June 11, 1988, Mr Obama was taken out of total obscurity and placed on the fast track to power.  He received favor in every facet of life and was repeatedly placed in positions that nobody with his limited level of experience should have been able to secure. He is now the president of the United States and can no longer mask the contents of his evil heart. Ever since he took office in January of 2009, he has diligently sought to advance every evil agenda that one can think of while doing irreversible damage to the nation that he now “rules over.” One of the primary attributes of a tyrant is that they bring great harm to the nation where they are in power. In regards to harm; both to the nation and its citizens, Mr Obama has done far in excess of any who occupied that office before him.

Two things have prevented Mr Obama from joining the ranks of Joseph Stalin, Adolph Hitler, Pol Pot, and similar vessels of Satan. One is the God who spoke all things into existence and with a word can either raise up a nation or bring down a nation.  This is the primary reason. Another element to consider is that miraculously (as in God is merciful) the machinery of democracy is still functioning. It has viruses; it has lost critical pieces of infrastructure, the people who understand how to maintain it are disappearing, and certain people who hold positions of authority have sought to redefine key sentences in its constitutional mandate. Nonetheless, those portions that still remain have prevented Mr Obama from implementing all that is in his heart……at least for the time being. Tomorrow may be a different story, and eventually all that is familiar will be washed away. 

The second aspect, covered in Scott Johnson’s Feb 1 teaching involves medical implants; more specifically, the number of implants that are being embedded without the patients awareness. Before delving into this further, I must mention a report that I first saw years ago because it highlights just how alluring something like this can be. The report focused on an implant which, when embedded into a person who suffers from Parkinson’s Disease can virtually neutralize all of the symptoms that accompany this condition. naturally it was hailed as a major advance……but something was troubling me; not so much because of that one thing, but because one can see where it’s headed. Increasingly, implants are being used to address other areas of infirmity. Most of the time, the patient knows about them, but other times, they are introduced unawares. Many who have discovered implants that they were not told about have sought legal action……to no avail. This indicates that something quite sinister is transpiring just under the surface. 

Scott Johnson’s teaching covers this in much greater detail.

The reason as to why something like this carries such significance can be found in Revelation 13:16-17 “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” This is where this will eventually lead. Medical implants, rfid chips in the name of convenience, and what have you; Satan seeks to get under our skin. One reason for this is conditioning of the population to be receptive to such things. Then, when the final “mark” is rolled out, most will receive it with joy…..and forfeit any hope of eternal life with the Lord Jesus. Another reason is control. If a medical implant can offer its bearer positive benefits, another can be produced that can have quite a different mission… in a third party having control of the person in whom it is implanted.

It has been suggested that, the final mark of the beast, will literally alter a persons DNA and render them….not 100% human anymore. One thing is for certain. It does place a person beyond the reaches of conviction and repentence…..and Satan knows this. Subsequently, he is promoting anything and everything that will lower a persons resistance to such a thing. He’s dressing it up with promises of a better tomorrow – health, convenience, prosperity, and what have you. Employing all of the three lusts, he will use his two ambassadors to lure all who know not the Lord Jesus into receiving an identifier that will seal their doom. As Scott Johnson mentioned in the teaching, whenever it is possible to do so, we should resist any effort to implant something in us; even if it promises great medical (or other) benefit. We must look at everything through an eternal lens; resisting anything that seems suspect.

The day may well be close at hand, when a seemingly innocent medical implant contains the media through which other parties will have partial control over the person.  Satan seeks total control, and total destruction of all who are made in the image of God. And according to scripture, the final deciding factor will be a mark. None of us know exactly what it will entail, however, this much we do know. Once a person receives it, they are forever lost…….no matter what John MacArthur says. The below link tells of how this man; also with a large following, has taken an unbiblical stand in regards to the mark of the beast.

John MacArthur – he claims that a person can be saved; even after they have received the mark of the beast.

The events that will ultimately usher in the dark champion are unfolding quickly; even to the point that the most diligent watchmen struggle to keep up with the developments. Each of us must strive to keep our hearts with all diligence and not be moved when the unexpected transpires. We must be close to Jesus and have his word hidden deeply in our heart, to the point that any doubt or wavering is driven out. Our affections must be on the eternal……because Satan will pander to the three lusts in ways that most of us may have never been exposed to before. The coming strong delusion will dislodge anyone who is not firmly anchored in the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Blessings in Jesus name.

Daniel 8:23-25 “And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.
24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.
25 And through his policy also, he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.”


The Fallen Entity Resistance Society

January 14, 2015

Of all the passages in scripture that address the issue of spiritual warfare, these are two of the most well known:

II Corinthians 2:11 “Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.”

I Peter 5:8-9 “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.
9 Whom ye resist steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.”

The issues touched on in these passages are paramount. Satan utilizes a lack of understanding and discernment to his advantage. Like a particular public figure who once stated “let no crisis go to waste,” Satan utilizes opportunities that would not exist in the life of one who was knowledgeable in how he functions.  Once a beachhead has been established, he launches out in all directions; working to neutralize, and eventually destroy the one who unwittingly opened a door. Sometimes the assault will result in endless turmoil and drama. Other times, it may be a lulling to sleep of the victim by keeping the agents of chaos away from them. Each case is catered to the primary leanings of the individuals old nature, but the endgame is the same. It carries the person away from the Lord Jesus by causing them to focus their attention toward things that do not carry over into the realm of the everlasting.

The list of ways that people open themselves up to such assaults from the enemy includes, but is not limited to, the following: 

1. Focusing on carnal issues: prophetic – There seems to be a lot of saints who are consumed by things coming upon the earth, to the point that the eternal perspective becomes…….almost an afterthought. This camp consists of patriots, survivalists, news junkies, those looking for a political solution, and the like. (survival skills are a good asset to have and being informed is important, however, they should not be allowed to eclipse eternal matters.) The trend of their dialogue, the links that they share on social media, and what have you, all focus on earthly events. And while many of these reports are prophetically significant, neglecting to place them into a proper perspective, can cause folks to become overwhelmed. When people are overwhelmed, they make bad decisions…….and this plays into the hands of an enemy who knows how to make the most of everything that we give him. (Matthew 14:30 comes to mind…..look to Jesus)  

2. Focusing on carnal issues: worldly – The list stretches beyond the horizon. Careers, sports, endless remodeling projects, material acquisition, continual studying things which have neither eternal significance or practical application, endless pursuit of the next big thrill, runaway foolishness (note to self) slothfulness-just “hanging out” while ones moment of departure draws increasingly closer, diverse idolatries……Satan literally has “something for everyone” as he skillfully employs the three lusts to keep his captives from considering eternal matters…..and what their current situation truly is. Those who know not the Lord Jesus are consumed by these things, just as we all were, prior to having a supernatural encounter with Jesus. But when a professing Christian is overcome by these, it is a shipwreck in the making. (Matthew 13:22 comes to mind. When a person is in a patch of thorns, they become paralyzed. All of their energy is consumed by trying to navigate through the contrary vegetation.

3. Not recognizing the perimeters of the battle – A few days ago, I became aware of a cult that calls itself a christian church, however, the leaders are subjecting those beneath them to classic mind control methods to keep them in line. This group is headed up by three guys who refer to themselves as “elders” and have control over every aspect of life within the sect. The more that I learned, the more maddening it became…..until once again, the Lord had to remind me of where the real battle lies. These elders are not the enemy, but the enemy was using them to gain bonus miles….by getting into my spiritual backfield and drawing my attention away from where it should be. Without a doubt, they are engaging in wickedness, however, the real enemy is Satan, who is seeking to destroy all who are in this group. The focus must be on the souls who are in peril.

Lord willing, there may be more about the aforementioned group in an upcoming post. They provide a textbook example of a cult that can appeal to “the elect.” Many of their members are younger adults who came out of bible believing families. 

4. Compromising truth in exchange for anything that one would think themselves to be accomplishing by doing so – This takes on a myriad of forms, from the faulty notion of “being like the world in order to win the world” to condoning an ever-widening circle of unscriptural beliefs that are being embraced in order to “just get along.” Compromising the primary doctrines of biblical Christianity is the primary identifier of the great falling away. Whenever a person embraces a redefinition of truth that’s contrary to scripture, they are embracing a lie that was birthed in hell. Embracing a lie always leads to promoting a lie, and such a one will seek to draw others into agreement with the lie. Embracing error, will carry a person away from God on a rail. If not identified and repented of, it will eventually compel a person to disregard the authority of scripture, as they work frantically to support the lie. Most of the souls who become partakers of the great falling away, began down that direction with the noblest of intentions.

Hmm. Noblest of intentions……like Perry “Noble?”…….I’m sorry……I should delete this……and yet, he is attempting to redefine scripture……he has a huge following of people with itching ears…….so I’ll leave it.

Acts 17:11 “These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.

5. Lack of a love for the truth. This is the gateway to the problems outlined in number 4.  When a person begins to slip and waver in their faith; whether it be the result of other priorities taking the lead position in their lives, a falling for the clever words of one who believes a lie and makes it look desirable, or simply vintage laziness, when one begins to no longer hold truth in high esteem, they are embarking on a slippery slope toward the pit. It should be noted, that, once a person reaches the point of fully embracing a lie, they may become twofold more the child of hell than the one who led them into the lie. The pride associated with this “new revelation that few are privy to” oftentimes solidifies the deal as such a one can no longer discern between truth and error, or make serious independent inquiry as to whether or not these things are true.

Matthew 23:15 “Woe unto you scribes and Pharissees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.”

I Timothy 4:1-2 “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;” 

6. Peer pressure – not wanting to go against the flow – This has been, and will be in the future, the downfall of multitudes. It begins with a quiet neglect to speak truth when the current company is condoning a lie. It concludes when those embracing a lie will not longer be content with one simply sitting out the conversation, but will demand an embracing of their evil. We see this in the purest form of Islam, where a non-muslim must either embrace their religion or die. We see it in the sodomite community where, it’s not enough for us to “let them be.” They must parade their evil in public, demand that the church embrace it, and seek to have laws enacted that prohibit any action or speech that supports the biblical view on the issue. Like all such groups, they preach tolerance and “just getting along,” however, they are the most intolerant of people when someone disagrees with their situation.

I recently saw a quote that read “speak the truth; even if your voice shakes.” In other words, make sure that every syllable coming out of our mouth is truth…..even if our speech is not eloquent…..even if we struggle…..even if our discomfort in doing so is obvious. Speak truth. The enemy will attempt to chip away at our resolve; not with big things, but with little diversions from truth. Diversions that we may even be lured into believing are necessary in order to make progress. (such as “being like the world in order to win the world”…… it’s blatantly erroneous!)

7. Opening doors to the occult – A loss of a love for truth may eventually cause a person to engage in activity which is strictly forbidden in scripture. King Saul is a textbook example of this. He started out well and even prophesied among the prophets. God made him king over Israel, but trouble soon developed. He began doing things his way instead of following the exact instructions from the LORD. Self-will (rebellion as the sin of witchcraft) envy of David, and other associated problems of the heart, carried Saul far away from “what could have been.” He ended up consulting with the witch of Endor for direction, who, after fulfilling Saul’s request prepared his final meal. She provided comfort for Saul and his company, before they headed into the night.

When a person gives space to seducing spirits, their actions will become increasingly contrary to scripture; even to the point that they begin practicing what is strictly forbidden in scripture. There are churches today….huge churches…..that engage in occultic practices unaware. Emptying ones mind, channeling, seeking experience without trying the spirits, engaging in pagan practices such as yoga; many today have opened themselves up to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. The fruit will always be carnal. I came across the testimony of a man who had been present at the “Toronto blessing” event. He talked about how wonderful it was and the warm fuzzy feelings that came with soaking prayer. After a few weeks, however, he began to notice something. The attitude of everyone around him was…….very carnal – very fleshy and unspiritual. A corrupt tree cannot produce good fruit; no matter how many lofty speeches, upbeat songs, and strobe lights one tosses into the mixture. 

I wanted to get into the more direct elements of spiritual warfare, but it will have to be in a later post down the road. Nonetheless, each of us have a bible, and a person who is born again has the Holy Spirit abiding within. Scott Johnson recently passed along a question that he was asked when he was new in the faith and was being drawn to an erroneous teaching. A pastor asked him words to the effect of “If you were alone, and had nothing but a bible, would you have reached this conclusion?” Scott told how this question caused him to really begin investigating issues based on scripture and not based on somebody’s book…..or a particular groups doctrine. And likewise must we do…….search the scriptures and allow the Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth. 

Romans 13:14 “But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.”

James 4:7 “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.”

Blessings in Jesus name.



Namida De Yonaka Desu

October 18, 2013

Romans 8:22 “For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.”

It has transpired a handful of times over the years; the most recent incident being in August of 2013. I was on the south side of town, distributing tracks on the bicycle. I turned north onto Eighth street when suddenly, it was as though the perimeters of the battlefield became astonishingly clear.  Every domestic contention, every life-consuming addiction, every flash-point of blistering fury, every secret fear, every facet of overwhelming despair, every affliction with no apparent remedy, every broken promise, ….. every embattled soul who is being assaulted by an enemy whom they don’t see nor understand. The result was a time of intercession for people whom I had never met; praying over the area, the houses, and the souls of everyone who resided within.” Coupled with this was a reflective inquiry that carries one directly into the spiritual examination room. “Lord Jesus; do any of us have, even have a remote clue, as to the magnitude and seriousness of the war that we are in?” The battles along Eighth street are representative of those playing out on every block, of every city, in every nation under the sun. Over seven billion individual campaigns, wherein Satan seeks to destroy those who are created in Gods image.

II Timothy 3:1-3 “Know this also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,”

I John 3:8 “he that commiteth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.”

We are surrounded by eternal souls who are merely a heartbeat away from an eternity. Of all that we behold through the five senses, the only thing that will remain forever, is the souls. For those who know not the Lord Jesus, the enemy is working feverishly to keep them in darkness.  Through a myriad of customized deceptions, distractions and full-blown wild goose chases, he locks them into a fast-moving and continuously readjusting  stream of diversion.  The objective is simple: prevent them from hearing of, and believing on, the Lord Jesus Christ, until their final breath has expired and no more opportunities remain.  The hatred that he has for God, and those whom God created in his own image, is immeasurable.  In the case of one who knows the Lord Jesus, the battle is even more intense because these have authority over the works of darkness. They can cast out demonic entities, they can take authority over strongholds that have been in place for generations, in Jesus name ….. and they carry with them the truth of the gospel; whereby the captive can hear the truth, believe on the Lord Jesus in sincere repentance, and be given a new nature as their names recorded in the book of life.  When they understand who the are in Jesus, they can turn the world upside down.

Acts 17:6 “And when they found them not, they drew Jason and certain brethren unto the elders of the city, crying, These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also;”

The question remains and each of us must seek the answer for ourselves.  “Is my life and priorities reflective of the spiritual conditions presiding in my sphere of influence?  My neighbors are lost; people at my place of employment are heading into eternity without Jesus, my children have no desire to know the Lord – does the way that I spend my time reflect the seriousness of this? Lives are in chaos, infidelity is rampant, the love of many is waxing cold because of the rampant iniquity – am I standing in the gap in whatsoever capacity I am able – or has a love for my present life in this world transformed me into a well without water? Have I succumbed to a socially acceptable “form of godliness” which puts on a show but does nothing for those in need of deliverance and restoration? When was the last time I wept during the middle of the night; interceding for a lost soul that has one foot in the grave and is completely unconcerned?  Do the words of Jesus, found in Matthew 25:31-46 resonate at all with me?” It’s not an easy thing to consider. It exposes us for who we really are. it calls to our attention all of the time and resource that we have squandered on foolishness. it’s painful, but necessary if we are to move into a place, spiritually speaking, whereby the Holy Spirit can fully transform us into the “city on a hill” that our contemporaries so desperately need for us to be.

John 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”

Corinthians 4:3 “But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost.”

“Namida de yonaka desu” (tears in the middle of the night) is all encompassing. It tells of an abusive husband who, despite a myriad of promises, cannot cease from inflicting pain on those around him. It relates the story of a phenomenally brilliant student whose recreational partaking led to uncontrollable substance abuse, until all potential was forfeited. It tells of an executive who was lured into corruption and has now become so entangled that he continuously has to repair breaches in the facade while being consumed by fear and despair.  It’s the lady who lives with daily lamentation because, as a teen, she forsook the natural instincts and succumbed to the advice of her contemporaries. In a moment of fear and destablizing confusion, she allowed the life that she was carrying to be snuffed out by those who despise that which is fearfully and wonderfully made.  It’s the middle-aged man who, decades before, was violated in the most unnatural of ways by a trusted uncle, whereby demonic presence was transferred. Every attempt to lead a normal life, resulted in failure and today that unholy thing drags him mercilessly through the corridors of filth uncontested. It’s the “picture perfect family who had it all” until unforeseen circumstances circumvented every precautionary measure and carried the sandy foundations out to sea. 

It’s a young child, born into a dysfunctional situation, where they must endure manifold forms of abuse and neglect. A mother of three who now has to take care of everything because the one to whom she promised “till death do us part” decided to go off and “find himself.” This could go on and on. The manifestations of despair are as numerous as the number of souls who currently walk upon the earth. Each one is a vivid example of an enemy who seeks desperately to destroy them but can only go so far.  A key passage of scripture, not only sheds light on why such sorrow is permitted to continue, it reveals how we are to join the battle.

II Peter 3:9 “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering toward us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.”

If Satan was capable of doing so, he would instantly kill everyone on the face of the earth. The incomprehensible level of suffering gives evidence to this.  But God, in his mercy, maintains a persons place in this world for an allotment of days, giving them opportunity to believe on Jesus; his only begotten Son, who shed his innocent blood on an old rugged.  This is also why so many people who are given to evil are permitted to remain standing.  God will grant a person (regardless of how we classify them) opportunity to believe on him, which is why so many of our contemporaries seem to “get away” with committing grievous trespasses against their neighbors.  For one at the receiving end of sorrows and trespass, God may allow such events for the purpose of bringing a person to repentance and faith in Jesus. We tend to see a single angle of the surface picture.  A snapshot which is further distorted by our limited understanding and prevailing bias’. Gods vantage point is all-encompassing and eternal. As we begin to spend more quality time in his presence, he will begin to open our eyes to the “bigger picture” that is in play ….. which brings us to the final part of this posting.  (It’s long; I apologize)

Namida de yonaka desu also identifies an intregal component in the life of one who knows the Lord Jesus.  For the sake of time, it must be addressed in bullet-point format.

1 – Sorrow over our sinful nature. When we love the Lord Jesus, the old nature that remains in our members (but is not a pass to sin) grieves us. While we strive to walk in sincere holiness, we are inevitably going to stumble at times and sometimes that stumbling will have painful consequences such as a damaged testimony before someone whom we have been praying for, or what have you. This godly sorrow brings us to repentance and a renewed determination to avoid the pitfall in the future. Years ago, after a lengthy season of backsliding, the Lord brought me to II Corinthians 7:11.

2 – Tears of intercession.  This almost demands a separate posting. When we take on a burden to pray for another; be it a neighbor who knows not the Lord Jesus, a family who is facing incomprehensible circumstances, or what have you, it’s as though we begin “feeling their pain.” Their burden becomes our burden with intensity that cannot be drummed up by natural means.  In the middle of a dark night we awaken and. go before the throne of grace for that person or group of persons.  With tears and groanings which cannot be uttered, we petition the Lord Jesus on their behalf.  This is where strongholds are often broken, impasses resolved, and clarity is granted.  If we are facing an antagonist; someone who is determined to send ill-will in our direction, intercession for that person is a most effective response.  As we carry that person before the Lord in prayer, we begin to see the bigger picture. Sorrow over a soul who is headed for an eternity apart from Jesus begins to overpower any ill-feelings that we may have been harboring. This can be a very difficult thing; depending on the severity of the offense, however, it is very liberating and necessary (for both parties)  

3 – Tears of longing. If we are born of the Spirit, we will find ourselves “betwixt” between here and our eternal place.  As we draw closer to Jesus, our desire for being here will gradually merge into a single purpose: to be about our Fathers business.  To reach whomsoever we can in whatsoever fashion we can reach them, with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  All vanities and earthly attachments will gradually dissipate until we reach a place where we can say with all honesty “Lord Jesus; thy will be done in my life.  May I go where you would have me go and do what you would have me do.”  Increasingly, we will long to be absent from here and present with the Lord Jesus.  There are,most likely many things that we would like to do prior to departing, however, all of them center around being about the Fathers business.  Our preference is to be absent from the body and present with the Lord.  

Psalms 6:6 “I am weary with my groaning; all the night make I my bed to swim; I water my bed with tears.”

burning bridges 1This post didn’t even scratch the surface of this very complex topic. The conclusion is simply this: we are in a war that is increasing in its intensity by the hour. Time is running out; not only in the prophetic sense, but also “right where we live.” None of us are promised another sunrise. (Ecclesiastes 8:8)  It’s imperative that we begin to fathom the nature and intensity of the wrestling that we are in and respond accordingly.  A short while ago, I had to pray over our dwelling as something paranormal in nature had made its way in. (There are unsaved people in this household)  In fact, reports of paranormal activity being witnessed by acquaintances who normally would not consider such things seem to be increasing.  Soon, Revelation 12:12 will be in fully manifest.

Blessings in Jesus name.  

II Timothy 1:7 “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

II Timothy 2:4 “No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.”